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Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting the central face in adults aged 30-60 who have fair skin types. The exact cause is unknown, however, experts think there are genetic, environmental, vascular and inflammatory factors involved. Triggers are typically things that make you flush:

  • heat

  • exercise

  • alcohol

  • spicy foods

  • temperature extremes

  • sunlight

  • stress

  • medications

  • and some cosmetic products

There are 4 major types of rosacea:

Type 1 – Erythematotelangiectatic type (ie. blood vessel type) 

  • Facial flushing and redness

  • Swelling, burning, stinging, roughness

  • Visible blood vessels

Type 2 – Papulopustular type (ie. red bump type)

  • Persistent redness

  • Pimplelike lesions and pustules

  • Swelling burning, stinging, roughness

Type 3 – Phymatous type (ie. thick skin type)

  • Thickened bumpy skin to the nose, forehead, chin, ears, cheeks

Type 4 – Ocular type (ie. eye type)

  • Red, bloodshot eyes

  • Stinging, dryness, grittiness, blurred vision

  • Eyelid stye’s and bumps


Treatment depends on the type of rosacea that you’ve been diagnosed with – there are numerous options for treatment ranging from topical prescriptions, oral medications, Intense Pulsed Light laser treatments, eyedrops and other surgical and laser options.

To schedule a consultation with one of our Dermatologists regarding Rosacea, a doctor's referral is required.

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